Episode 01

Why a Podcast?

with Janice Hostager

About this podcast Episode:

Welcome to the first episode of My Weekly Marketing Podcast!

I am seriously excited (and a bit nervous) to be launching this podcast.  I have worked with small business owners and their marketing for many years, and I’m thrilled to be sharing what I know with you. I’m a true marketing geek, and my greatest joy is seeing YOUR business succeed. 

But if you’re not like me and marketing is not your favorite thing, you are STILL in the right place. I will teach you how to market your business in a way that’s not smarmy, creepy, or unethical. Marketing is, at it’s core, communication about how YOUR can help your client. 

For the past few years, I’ve been a marketing strategist. But that’s one of many marketing roles I’ve had in my career. I started out writing and in public relations, then went into advertising where I was an art director. Then, after moving to a college town in Wisconsin, I opened my own business, a design agency. 

When I started working with small businesses, though, I could see that they often didn’t know what to do next to grow and market their business. They lacked strategy and an understanding of the many moving parts in marketing today.

So my goal for this podcast is going to go beyond strategy and look at all aspects of marketing. And beyond that, to look at small businesses and how our businesses intersect with our lives. Because as I’m sure you know, life and business have a way of blending together! I have some amazing guests lined up, and am looking forward to sharing marketing and small business wisdom with you!

In this first episode of the My Weekly Marketing podcast, I will dive into my background a little more and talk about why I am passionate about helping YOU grow your business. 

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • My story and why I love working with small businesses.
  • How I ended up doing marketing strategy, and why I think it’s so important!
  • 5 important things I’ve learned about running a small business.
  • What’s coming up in future episodes.


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