Episode 09

Is Your Online Business Secure?

with Lori Martin

About This Podcast Episode:

My guest on this episode is Lori Martin, owner and CEO of Double Fox Websites. Lori Martin entered the website space in the mid-90s – so early–even before people knew that e-commerce was a space–at one of the first e-commerce websites, Garden.com. Her position was Director of Internet Relations, and she used the earliest form of SEO to get Garden.com on the web and listed in the various search listings.

She remembers that she felt her hands trembling with nervousness as she typed her credit card information into a website for the first time ever – before that time orders were through the phone or mail order.

After working for a few different large online organizations such as Garden.com and Digital Cheetah, she found her calling – helping small business owners leverage the power of a website in a friendly – nontechnical, and affordable way.

In 2008, she started Double Fox Websites and has helped hundreds of clients around the globe make the most of their online presence.

After taking on numerous websites that had been breached she became passionate about website security. In this episode, she will share some basic but extremely important things we all need to know about ensuring our website is secure.

In This Episode, We’ll Cover:

  • 5:21 Passwords –  First Line of Defense that is frequently overlooked
  • 13:07 Domain Names – Control your domain and know where it is registered
  • 14:53 SSL Certificates – Ensure your website is using SSL for all elements
  • 17:39 Admin Access – Limit who has the keys to the kingdom
  • 18:51 Plugins – Choose carefully
  • 26:18 Backups – Your insurance and where to back it up


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