Episode 47

How to Determine Your Ideal Customer

with Nicole Bernard

About This Podcast Episode:

Did you jump into business without thinking too much about your marketing? If so, you’re not alone.

Many small businesses jump into the task of running their businesses without getting clear about one of the most important question you can ask: “who is my ideal, target customer?”

Without understanding who your ideal target customer is, your marketing will likely be ineffective.

Nicole takes us through the path she uses as she onboards new clients, starting with the basics. She starting with your marketing goals, buyer persona, and then your messaging.

Join me as we learn more about Nicole’s business journey and how she helps her clients build their marketing strategy.

In This Episode, We’ll Cover:

4:24     Understanding Your Target Customer for Success
11:27     Customer Targeting Strategies and Analysis
14:57    Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
15:16     Overcoming Overwhelm With Marketing Strategy

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