Episode 11

How To Create a Brand That's Powerful and Influential

with Janice Hostager

About This Podcast Episode:

When I started my first business, a graphic design business, branding was not something I thought too much about. I was focused on getting business and branding seemed, well, unimportant.

But then I started hearing the words people used to describe me and my business.

They were good words, thankfully, but they were terms not found anywhere on my website or in my marketing materials. These were other people’s words.

This taught me my first and most important lesson about brands: your brand exists, whether you realize it or not. It lives in your customer’s expectations, their experiences, and their impressions of your business. That is why you need to intentionally brand your business.

So what are you doing to create that in your customers’ minds? In this episode, I talk about the 4 layers of branding and how to determine whether your brand is powerful or wimpy.

I also provide a link to my free Branding Workbook that will take you through everything we talk about in the episode…and more!

In This Episode, We’ll Cover:

  • 00:57 How to create a BIG brand for your small business.
  • 02:05 WHY you need to brand your business (and what happens if you don’t)
  • 04:16 The components of a strong, influential brand
  • 09:49 A strong brand vs. a wimpy one


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